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er will dein Leben : Psychothriller
Author: Search for this author Strobel, Arno (author)
Statement of Responsibility: Arno Strobel
Year: 2024
Publisher: Frankfurt am Main, FISCHER Taschenbuch
Media group: Belletristik Erw.


BranchLocationsStatusDue dateReservationsLending note
Branch: Feudenheim Locations: Strob / Ausleihe Status: borrowed Due date: 1/21/2025 Reservations: 0 Lending note:
Branch: Friedrichsfeld Locations: Strob / Ausleihe Status: borrowed Due date: 1/7/2025 Reservations: 0 Lending note:
Branch: Herzogenried Locations: Strob / Spannung Status: available Due date: Reservations: 0 Lending note:
Branch: Käfertal Locations: Strob / Spannung Status: borrowed Due date: 1/14/2025 Reservations: 0 Lending note:
Branch: Neckarau Locations: Strob / Spannung Status: borrowed Due date: 12/10/2024 Reservations: 0 Lending note:
Branch: Rheinau Locations: Strob / Ausleihe Status: borrowed Due date: 1/7/2025 Reservations: 0 Lending note:
Branch: Sandhofen Locations: Strob / Ausleihe Status: available Due date: Reservations: 0 Lending note:
Branch: Schönau Locations: Strob / Ausleihe Status: borrowed Due date: 12/9/2024 Reservations: 0 Lending note:
Branch: Seckenheim Locations: Strob / Ausleihe Status: borrowed Due date: 12/12/2024 Reservations: 0 Lending note:
Branch: Vogelstang Locations: Strob / Spannung Status: borrowed Due date: 12/9/2024 Reservations: 0 Lending note:
Branch: Zentralbibliothek Locations: Strob / Spannung Status: borrowed Due date: 12/5/2024 Reservations: 0 Lending note:
Branch: Zentralbibliothek Locations: Strob / Spannung Status: borrowed Due date: 1/9/2025 Reservations: 0 Lending note:


Eric Sanders wird durch seine Rolle im neuesten Tatort berühmt, doch ein Unbekannter bringt ihn online in Verruf und fordert ihn auf, ein Verbrechen aus seiner Kindheit zu gestehen. Als seine Familie bedroht wird, muss Eric herausfinden, was wirklich passiert ist.


Author: Search for this author Strobel, Arno (author)
Statement of Responsibility: Arno Strobel
Year: 2024
Publisher: Frankfurt am Main, FISCHER Taschenbuch
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Search for this systematic
Subject type: Search for this subject type Psychothriller
ISBN: 978-3-596-70923-6
ISBN (2nd): 9783596709236
Description: 367 Seiten
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Language: Deutsch
Media group: Belletristik Erw.