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Ein anderes Leben

Author: Search for this author Peters, Caroline (author)
Statement of Responsibility: Caroline Peters
Year: 2024
Publisher: Berlin, Rowohlt Berlin
Media group: Belletristik Erw.
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BranchLocationsStatusDue dateReservationsLending note
Branch: Feudenheim Locations: Pete / Ausleihe Status: borrowed Due date: 1/21/2025 Reservations: 0 Lending note:
Branch: Friedrichsfeld Locations: Pete / Ausleihe Status: borrowed Due date: 12/14/2024 Reservations: 0 Lending note:
Branch: Herzogenried Locations: Pete / Ausleihe Status: transport Due date: Reservations: 0 Lending note:
Branch: Käfertal Locations: Pete / Ausleihe Status: borrowed Due date: 1/28/2025 Reservations: 0 Lending note:
Branch: Neckarau Locations: Pete / Ausleihe Status: borrowed Due date: 1/21/2025 Reservations: 0 Lending note:
Branch: Rheinau Locations: Pete / Ausleihe Status: borrowed Due date: 2/5/2025 Reservations: 0 Lending note:
Branch: Sandhofen Locations: Pete / Ausleihe Status: available Due date: Reservations: 0 Lending note:
Branch: Schönau Locations: Pete / Ausleihe Status: borrowed Due date: 1/7/2025 Reservations: 0 Lending note:
Branch: Seckenheim Locations: Pete / Ausleihe Status: available Due date: Reservations: 0 Lending note:
Branch: Vogelstang Locations: Pete / Ausleihe Status: borrowed Due date: 1/17/2025 Reservations: 0 Lending note:
Branch: Zentralbibliothek Locations: Pete / Ausleihe Status: borrowed Due date: 1/21/2025 Reservations: 0 Lending note:
Branch: Zentralbibliothek Locations: Pete / Ausleihe Status: borrowed Due date: 1/2/2025 Reservations: 0 Lending note:
Branch: Zentralbibliothek Locations: Pete / Ausleihe Status: borrowed Due date: 1/16/2025 Reservations: 0 Lending note:


Wer war Hanna? Die Mutter, die drei Männer heiratete und drei Töchter großzog, während sie zwischen familiären Erwartungen und eigenen Ansprüchen pendelte. Jahre nach ihrem Tod blickt die jüngste Tochter auf Hannas unkonventionelles Leben im Rheinland der 70er und 80er Jahre zurück.


Author: Search for this author Peters, Caroline (author)
Statement of Responsibility: Caroline Peters
Year: 2024
Publisher: Berlin, Rowohlt Berlin
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Subject type: Search for this subject type Familie
ISBN: 978-3-7371-0165-3
ISBN (2nd): 9783737101653
Description: 238 Seiten
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Language: Deutsch
Media group: Belletristik Erw.